Boy oh boy, do I ever suck at keeping this blog up to date. Yup, sure do. My deepest apologies to all the people out there that have been anxiously typing in my URL minute after minute and hour after hour and day after day. I hope you haven't given up on me. Or I at least hope you got a blog reader. I hear they are all the rage. I started pretending to start my own little BR up a while ago but then thought of how I don't even know my husband's phone number off the top of my head. You're thinking "what the shaaz does that have to do with a blog reader?". Well, since I have all the numbers in my cellular tellular, I don't have to memorize the numbers anymore. Therefore, I would forget everyone's URL's. And what if my blog reader broke one day, huh? Then what? Then I would be sitting at work and in bed late at night with nothing to do and no one to stalk.
Please excuse that weird tangent. It was unintended!
I am now about to blog about something that happened today. I guess it is probably high on the charts of the funniest of the day, but I didn't have much excitement today so that's why it makes the cut. And also, because it is close to my heart....cough cough.
A year or so ago, I adopted a little Kitty. In all essence of the saying, he was a little walking ball of fluff. Goodness gracious great balls of fire he was cute. I fell right easily into love with him. I rushed home at the end of the day to cuddle him, slept with him on my pillow curled into my hair every night, and let him watch me and Al make out pretty much every day (it was honestly his favorite passtime, and I'm not kidding). So anyways, he grew up and got weird like most cats do but I still loved him for all it was worth and gave him a good scratch on the back whenever I visited my old non-married house where my mom and dad live.
As I'm sure you can tell from the form of tense being used, "it" happened. I got a text from Dix today saying...and I quote "I just found Finn dead on the lawn." I gasped real big and told my mom I was absolutely devastated. Her words...."Me too. He was a good fluff."
My family isn't really pet clingy. I think I got the most of it. And I already am basically over these happenings that I just shared. What can I say, I'm a horrible person.
I really want a puppy. Alan won't let me get one. I'm devastated. Everday it's the same old..."Al, we should get a puppy!!!!". ...."naaah." ...."but I really want one." (super whiney)......"maybe someday when the kids are old".
I honestly have no idea where I'm going with this. I am truly sorry about this post. Let's get down to bussiness here. Here are some randoms from the iPhone.
I realized the other day that the last, like, five statuses on Facebook of mine were about the weather. Am I really this queer? That I can't find anything to rant about except the weather?Just such an old hag. Whatever though, I guess something about the weather effects me in some way or the other so here is a picture of Fall and the thousands of crusty leaves coming at me at 100 miles per hour on my walk the other day. It would have been scary if it wasn't so lovely.
Which brings me to my next picture from my iPhone, me being a baker. Tinabakeface. Yes, that is me and look what I made.
And the mess was something special.
I really should stop bragging about myself though because it seems that ever since I gloated my wife skills, things have been really going downhill. I have made two whole attempts at making brownies, and both of them tasted like sheer barf. The house is a mess all the time, my lasagna was a soup fest yesterday, and I can barely stand to put jeans on. I guess I'm just becoming a true house wife...?
Ok fine, it's for EVERYONE!! YAAAAY!!!!
I hope you watched conference this weekend and I hope you had a good day and I hope you danced like me and Poop and Mango danced this weekend when we finally got together after so much not getting together. Poop, come back to Canada. It needs you.
Al named this post for me, if you're wondering.