Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Slow the H Down

My iPhone has been telling me lately that there's no storage available to take yet another picture of Henry in the exact same position doing the exact same thing. So, it forced me to go put my pictures on my computer so I could take them off my phone, providing me ample space to continue recording Henry's laugh every 5 minutes. In the process, though, I ended up knee deep in pictures of little teeny 6 lb baby Henry, and I swooned. My first reaction was "I NEED another one NOW" and although I haven't gotten over that yet (trying really hard to ignore it), I realized that I'll never have that time back. I'll never just be a new mom with one tiny little newborn to watch all day and do nothing else. It makes me sad to think that this phase of my life can't last forever. I can't imagine a better time (including right now) where I can just play with my baby all day long and and enjoy every little second because, quite frankly, I have nothing else to do. My life is bliss, and I'm enjoying it.

But, I need time to slow down, because I'm kind of freaking out. My baby is big. He's a big big boy and everyone everywhere tells me so. He's fat. He's happy. He's heavy. He's pooping real turds now. Slow down Hen, I can't take it all in fast enough!

So some updates on the child - still not crawling. I'm watching him out of the corner of my eye right now and he's just laying there on his back, laughing everytime I look at him. Easily amused. He either sits on his butt and plays with what is in reach or lays on his back and looks at his hands. He's 9 months old, and doesn't care. I think he has my personality...

I had to go to young women's the other night, so I left Hen with Al. When I got back home, I inquired of how everything went and Al moved Henry out of his spot on the carpet only to reveal a horseshoe indent in the shape of his butt. He hadn't moved for 2-1/2 hours.

6 teeth, and counting. The next two bottom ones are coming in.

He has a hairy spaz whenever I leave him somewhere for too long. Or most of the time even when I walk out of the room. I'm flattered, truly, but that's enough of that, Henry.

He has a toy dog, Scout, who talks and sings to him. He thinks it's funny and likes to suck on his nose (intelligence at it's finest). Me and Al know everything that dog says (and he says a lot). I'd say about 40% of what we say in a day consists of quotes from Scout.

Once again, Henry's a fatty. He's constantly eating (again- like me!!). He likes being breastfed (I'm pretty worried about weaning him when the time comes) and he likes eating bread...and cookies. He'll eat as many bananas as I'll give him, but they make him constapato and as for vegetables, he also gets that from me, and hates them.

But he sure doesn't look like me anymore. He's morphed into a baby Alan, just like I knew he would. I love it. Man I just love that big head of his.


Kristen Ruiz said...

Bahaha, I love the way you talk about Henry. I hope that some day he has the chance to read this when he gets bigger. Tell me his reaction when he reads, "...he's pooping real turds now." Haha, loved this post. I'm so happy that you're happy!!

Jennie Holt said...

TWO PICTURES???? i was so excited to scroll to the bottom for the usual hundred pictures....now I'm just brimming over with disappointment. wish i was coming to see fatty mcpoops alot except when eats bananas.

Lyndsay said...

Love this your pictures are great. Your getting so good what did your read or do to learn to take better pics. Email me. lydsmith@shaw.ca or Facebook! He's such a cutie!

The Orrs said...

Aww I just love this happy little guy! He is one lucky baby to have you as his mama! Now let's hurry and have more!!